Have you indulged or out of desperation bought one of those rotisserie chickens from the grocery stores – oh my goodness so tasty (what?! I happen to like that salty crispy skin). We don’t do it often and no I didn’t do it now. But I think every once in a while, you need an alternative to plain roasted chicken. This is a very versatile recipe my father taught me when I was just a little feller. I’m using beef today and this is Dad’s Chili Fry. An update to a previous blog!
Believe it or not, chillies have very little to do with this dish (well of course they are in there, but they don’t have to be). It’s the combination of golden slightly caramelized onion, cooked meat of any kind, fresh cilantro a few chillies (or less) and the gravy from the leftover roast. I made a prime rib yesterday. I knew I would have leftovers and wanted to make this dish for you. My wife doesn’t eat a lot of beef (yes, we are still married – I know!!!), so even a 1 rib piece will usually last a couple of days with us. Can’t really call anyone over so what to do what to do?!
As I said, any cooked leftover meat will do. There is no secret, just patience when browning the onions – I’d say about 15 minutes on low – stirring once every 5 minutes. Add the cooked meat at this stage along with the cilantro and just warm through to bring everything together. Any pan drippings from the roast, add it to the onion mixture – more flavor. You won’t need anything else – remember you started off with a flavorful end product – roast chicken (store-made or home-made), roast beef/pork etc., so really you just want to warm through. Cut the meat in small or thin strips – okay this is the secret, it lets more flavor through. If using chicken, just shred the meat with two forks. You could also add diced tomato, smoked turkey leg etc.
Once made, serve with rice, pasta, naan, use it as a filling in puff pastry and make some patties or hand pies out of it – oh so many things to do with this dish. Truly a treat and no one needs to know you used the roast from the previous day. As always – enjoy!
Left over roast beef, cut into thin strips (the quantity of leftover roast is usually not enough to feed everyone as is, but a perfect base for this dish) – plus pan drippings and any other veggies used in the base of the roast – mine had onions, wiri wiri peppers, and garlic
3 – 5 onions, thinly sliced
2 sprigs fresh cilantro
3 – 5 chillies – I used 1 scotch bonnet/habanero, but jalapeno or Thai will also work – thinly sliced
Salt, pepper and olive oil
Heat some olive oil in a large non-stick pan over medium heat
When hot, add the onions and chillies – sprinkle a little salt and stir
Reduce the heat to low and let the onions soften and brown – this will take about 15 minutes
Stir the pan every 5 minutes or so – but no more than 3 stirs in total – you are not giving the onions a chance to caramelize if you stir too often – they will just soften and slightly color
At the 15 minute mark, add the diced/chopped beef the pan drippings and anything else that was used to make the roast flavorful to the onions
Stir to bring everything together, add the chopped cilantro and stir to warm through
Serve with chapati, rice, pasta – or on its own with a crusty baguette

Prepped for the cooking! Onions, habanero pepper, cilantro and yesterday’s prime rib!

Onions, habanero chilli and salt in the frying pan!