Oh my goodness where is the time flying?! We are almost at the end of February! There are 24 days to calendar spring and although the one good thing to come out of this lockdown is that I learned that it is possible to go for a walk on a cold day and enjoy it! Just bundle up and do it! Still though – 24 days and spring is here! These are a delightful cookie that will make you feel like spring is already here. Citrus Amaretti Cookies – like a ray of sunshine!
On it’s own, I love amaretti, add lemon and orange zests to it and we are talking next level cookies. As with most recipes I start off with a base recipe and then add things for flavor or texture to create another version of an already delicious cookie! Talk about addictive cookies!
One tip, when mixing the dry and wet ingredients, please use your impeccably clean – just washed, hands. I started with a spoon and thought it was done when it formed a ball when squeezed. But when I put my hands in the dough, I felt the bottom was heavier than the top. Using my hands allowed me to feel what I couldn’t see. I mixed the dough in a rubbing motion using my fingers more than my palms. No kneading, just gently rubbing to spread out the moistness and get an evenly moist dough – just about a minute or so. Your hands are the best tool in the kitchen so don’t feel bad to use them, even if it isn’t called for in a recipe that calls for mixing.
I know (unless you have an allergy to nuts) that you will love these cookies. Crackly on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside – perfect! I got about 22 cookies from this batch. Just what the Doctor ordered as we come up to 1 year in lockdown! Wash your hands, wear a mask or two, socialize according to regional guidelines and above all be safe! As always enjoy!
2½ cups almond flour
1 cup citrus sugar – I used orange flavored sugar
2 large egg whites
¼ tsp cream of tartar
1 lemon zested
1 tbsp lemon juice
¼ cup powdered sugar (for rolling)
Suggestions and/or changes
Add a handful of toasted almond slices or pine nuts to the mix
Instead of lemon juice, add Limoncello
Add 1 – 2 tsps Almond extract
Preheat the oven to 330f – line a cookie tray with parchment – set aside
In a bowl, combine the almond flour and citrus sugar, whisk to mix
In a larger bowl, beat two egg whites with the cream of tartar
When soft peaks form – not runny consistency, stop
Add the zest and juice of the lemon and mix into the whites
Add the dry ingredients to the egg whites and using a spatula to start with – mix the two together
When you can see it is mixed, switch to using your hands and ensure even moistness throughout the crumby textured dough
Form the dough into slightly smaller than golf sized balls, roll in icing sugar and place on the parchment
Bake for 22 – 25 minutes
These are best once cooled but even warm they are delicious

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