Welcome to my Blog! Here you will find chronicles of my day to day life as a Chef. In it you will find pictures from my travels, read anecdotally about my dreams and aspirations, share my excitement on the discovery of a new (to me) recipe, tool or technique, as well as my trials and tribulations as a new entrepreneur, and anything else that strikes me as interesting, odd or just plain cool.

Maple Glazed Spiral Ham

Where did November go.  I always go into a slight panic mode when November is over.  So much to do before Christmas.  But for my American family and friends, I thought I'd take a breath, get my laptop ready for "cyber Monday" and share this recipe with you.  This one's really easy and I served it on our [...]

Maple Glazed Spiral Ham2020-10-12T19:37:22-04:00

Salmon Fried Rice

We made this in the cooking school at Loblaw's a few weeks back. It contains my favorite ingredients, brown rice, assorted veggies, eggs and salmon. The actual veggies can vary enormously, the rice could be white or wild, the eggs could be scrambled in or rolled omelette style (Japanese method), and the salmon can be [...]

Salmon Fried Rice2020-10-12T19:37:22-04:00

The many uses of Puff Pastry

I'm a big fan of puff pastry.  I love making it from scratch - I know, some people don't - but I do, go figure! The texture of the raw dough, the butter, the dimples on the folds to tell you exactly where you are in the process, therapeutic and relaxing.  If you have not [...]

The many uses of Puff Pastry2020-10-12T19:37:22-04:00

London Broil – Flank Steak, Grilled Red Onion and Thai Chillies

Flank steak is one of my favorite cuts. Grilled just so, it can make your mouth dance with joy! I know, it's odd to speak of food like that, but when you are as passionate about good taste as I am, it is the only way to speak of food! I didn't plan on making [...]

London Broil – Flank Steak, Grilled Red Onion and Thai Chillies2020-10-12T19:37:23-04:00

Leftover Turkey Lasagna

I love left over turkey.  Sandwiches, pies, on its own, with left over cranberry sauce or caramelized onion compote - delicious!  I started to make pies for my kids as it is their favorite comfort food.  But I wanted to provide some variety as well.  Walking through the grocery store, I spied it, some "oven [...]

Leftover Turkey Lasagna2020-10-12T19:37:23-04:00

Pumpkin Cakey-Cookie Bites

SIDEBAR: Oh my goodness, it's less than 2 months to Christmas - I better get ready for the 12 Cookies of Christmas!! But for now, look outside and there are pumpkins everywhere. That means fall is definitely here and so is Halloween. They come in all shapes and sizes, even white pumpkins. I had some leftover [...]

Pumpkin Cakey-Cookie Bites2020-10-12T19:37:23-04:00

Spiced Garlic Dijon Rack of Lamb and Chick Pea Salad

This is a fast and easy Saturday night meal or weeknight meal.  It's delicious, healthy, and doesn't take long to prepare, best part, you wont leave the table feeling stuffed. The chickpeas are canned but they are treated so simply with just a few ingredients. The flavor has been enhanced by the addition of olive [...]

Spiced Garlic Dijon Rack of Lamb and Chick Pea Salad2020-10-12T19:37:23-04:00

Baileys Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu

Yes, I jumped on the PSL bandwagon and really, who hasn't. Imitation is the sincerest form flattery isn't it! So I thought about this PSL craze that happens every year and how could I do one better. Inspired by a recipe from one of the Dieticians at the PC Cooking School, I did come up [...]

Baileys Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Oyster & Shrimp Stuffed Squid with Triangoli Pasta

I love the weekends (okay who doesn't?!), but it's not just the idea of having a few days off.  Saturday's give me the opportunity to take a leisurely stroll through my favorite grocery stores (yes I do more than one).  The kids are grown up and gone away, I'm out of my wife's hair for a few hours, [...]

Oyster & Shrimp Stuffed Squid with Triangoli Pasta2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Garlic Sauteed Mushroms

I always have mushrooms in my grocery cart, my family loves mushrooms sautéed until all the water is dried out, then seared a bit. Of course I flavor the sauté with good olive oil, butter, lots of garlic, chili flakes, salt and pepper. If I have some red or white wine left over (not usually) [...]

Garlic Sauteed Mushroms2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00
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