Welcome to my Blog! Here you will find chronicles of my day to day life as a Chef. In it you will find pictures from my travels, read anecdotally about my dreams and aspirations, share my excitement on the discovery of a new (to me) recipe, tool or technique, as well as my trials and tribulations as a new entrepreneur, and anything else that strikes me as interesting, odd or just plain cool.

Strawberry Mascarpone Tart with Balsamic Vinegar Reduction

You can't miss them, they are all over the place right now! Yes I'm talking berries, peaches, plums - little bundles of goodness that scream summer and burst in your mouth with sweet and sometimes tart sensations. It's all good though, for every tart berry there are many many sweet ones. I had a private [...]

Strawberry Mascarpone Tart with Balsamic Vinegar Reduction2020-10-12T19:37:26-04:00

A few days (not enough) in Montreal!

Yes, we went to Montreal for a few days.  Fortunate enough to have our daughter and son join us - a real treat.  So much to tell you about this beautiful city - most importantly, the culture and food.  It almost felt like we were back in Paris.  Old Montreal is absolutely beautiful.  The choice of [...]

A few days (not enough) in Montreal!2020-10-12T19:37:27-04:00

Spicy Chicken with Jewelled Quinoa – A Sophisticated “Q”!

Who says bbq's have to be informal dining only?! Here's what we had for dinner last night. Spicy Chicken with Jewelled Quinoa. So simple, and with just a little creativity on the plating, we elevated it from "flip-flops" to "sandals" while we dined - ahem! The spicy chicken rub is just a regular spice rub with [...]

Spicy Chicken with Jewelled Quinoa – A Sophisticated “Q”!2020-10-12T19:37:27-04:00

Open-faced Beef Tenderloin Sliders

I'm always looking for newish ideas to serve for hors d 'oeuvres. I did this for a party - what a hit! Beef Tenderloin, Horseradish and Honey Mustard served on Naan triangles. So simple, and you won't break the bank! I like my tenderloin with salt and pepper. Nothing, absolutely nothing, else. Yes you can [...]

Open-faced Beef Tenderloin Sliders2020-10-12T19:37:27-04:00

Veal Kofta, Pan Fried Padron Peppers and Cooling Yogurt Mint Dip

It was one of those special days when both my daughter and son were home at the same time. They wanted to celebrate a birthday and took us out for dinner on Saturday - we had a marvelous time. There is something special about your kids being all grown up, working and wanting to buy you [...]

Veal Kofta, Pan Fried Padron Peppers and Cooling Yogurt Mint Dip2020-10-12T19:37:27-04:00

Potato Salad Patties

Summertime is here! Officially and in reality - love the sunshine. This means bbq's, picnics and outdoor parties. One of my favorite things to make for any of these is potato salad. I will admit, I am not the best at judging quantities of potato salad so inevitably, there are vast amounts of potato salad [...]

Potato Salad Patties2020-10-12T19:37:28-04:00

Korean Ginger Sesame Seed Cookies

I'm making Bi Bim Bap (tastes as good as it sounds) at the PC Cooking Schools this week and wanted to serve something for after the sampling. Saw this wonderful recipe (and of course had to try it) on a site called food.com. I adapted it slightly to suit my tastes. My adaptations included ginger and [...]

Korean Ginger Sesame Seed Cookies2020-10-12T19:37:28-04:00

Markets and Baguette 101

The final posting about France. I know, a bit like having to watch other people's vacation pictures! But this is a good one. I love the European lifestyle. They shop daily - no grocery stores like we have here (except for maybe the Mono Prix style department stores). Small store fronts that seem to go [...]

Markets and Baguette 1012020-10-12T19:37:28-04:00

Frangipane Tarts

Here's a delightful tart recipe for you to make for a fancy dessert or just for eating when the mood hits you. It’s been adapted from Yossy Areffi - Apt. 28 Baking Co. Remember those almond croissants (yes from Paris) I wrote about earlier, well in addition to almonds on top of the croissant, the [...]

Frangipane Tarts2020-10-12T19:37:28-04:00

Fine Dining in Paris!

Since becoming a Chef, one of the things I immediately put on my bucket list was to dine at a Michelin starred restaurant. Now I've always been a foodie, and of course heard and seen pictures and read reviews of the food served in these fine establishments, so I've always known about them. But I [...]

Fine Dining in Paris!2020-10-12T19:37:28-04:00
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