Lemon Zucchini Loaf

Yes my friends, it’s that time of the year again! Neighbors are gathering - in large baskets, zucchini of all sizes, shapes and colors. People you don’t even know are stopping by and knocking on your door to unload – I mean share, the bounty of this most glorious of fall vegetables. So here is [...]

Lemon Zucchini Loaf2020-10-12T19:36:35-04:00

French Cheesecake

When I first became a Chef, I must have spent many months going through various culinary websites for inspiration, ideas and direction. One of the sites I came across belonged to David Lebovitz. I guess he intrigued me because he also made a change in his life moving from the US to France. I liked [...]

French Cheesecake2020-10-12T19:36:35-04:00

Ricotta and Praline Cake

  Here’s another keeper cake recipe. I had some ricotta in the fridge. My friend Maria makes all kinds of delicious Italian treats (which I am sometimes the grateful beneficiary of - ahem, #shehasn'tmadesomethingformeinawhile) with ricotta. I wanted a recipe that was easy to come together and taste good. I ran across a recipe a [...]

Ricotta and Praline Cake2020-10-12T19:36:35-04:00

Toasted Almond and Coconut Blondies

You know you have a hit when “everyone” who tries this says “OMG (insert something biblical or not), so good!” This is a variation on a standard Blondie recipe which combines two of my favorite ingredients – almonds and coconut. It’s a one pot dish – no really, and you know how I hate to [...]

Toasted Almond and Coconut Blondies2020-10-12T19:36:36-04:00

Rhubarb and Custard Tarts

The first time I had rhubarb, I thought it was stringy and sour (I was 9 or so), I didn’t like it at all. Over the years (many of them), I have had a chance to try rhubarb in different ways – tarts, pies, with other fruit, compotes etc. That’s when I discovered what a [...]

Rhubarb and Custard Tarts2020-10-12T19:36:36-04:00

Halvah and Chocolate Scone Loaf

Tasty, not too sweet, not a cake and definitely not a loaf. My wife will love this for Mother's Day!  It is a nice recipe for a scone style treat baked in a loaf tin. Yes, I said scone in a loaf tin. It comes from the good folks at Food 52 and this is [...]

Halvah and Chocolate Scone Loaf2020-10-12T19:36:36-04:00

Ambrosia Cake

  If you follow my blog or have attended my classes you know I like to give you recipes that you will actually make.  They usually don't contain a log of ingredients and come together fairly well.  But every once in a while, you just need a cake that has that “wow” factor. It could [...]

Ambrosia Cake2020-10-12T19:36:36-04:00

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Guinness Brownies

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Yes there will be much green flowing today. I think we’ll all have our fair share of food and things that are green today. Here’s a recipe to celebrate the most (well almost most) famous creation from Ireland – Guinness Brownies. Yes, there is Guinness in these brownies, along with some [...]

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Guinness Brownies2020-10-12T19:36:37-04:00

“Caffins” – March Break Baking Activity!

    It is March break and all the kids are off – but you know that. If you didn’t go away, you probably have them all with you in the house. So keep them busy by getting them to make their own batches of these “caffins” (cake + muffins). I couldn’t think of what [...]

“Caffins” – March Break Baking Activity!2020-10-12T19:36:37-04:00

International Women’s Day!

Happy International Women's Day to every woman out there! It does make me sad that we have to designate a day to pay tribute to women. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a wonderful idea, but I think that everyday, we should celebrate the women in our lives and the women that change the [...]

International Women’s Day!2020-10-12T19:36:37-04:00
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