I’ve been collecting recipes for many years now. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye. Although you may find it in one category, it could easily fit into another i.e. an appetizer could also be found in a main etc. Some have been tried, my comments usually show up in italics if I have made them. I’ve given credit to Chef’s/authors/publishers whose names I wrote down when recording the recipes, but go figure – in at the tail end of the boomer generation and blogs didn’t exist when I started collecting them and I never thought of a website either. If I’ve violated any copyrights – just let me know and I’ll fix it. If you try a recipe and have comments, please let me know, I’ll respond. As always – enjoy! Thanks – Chris (cater@foodinspires.com)

Spiced Garlic Dijon Rack of Lamb and Chick Pea Salad

This is a fast and easy Saturday night meal or weeknight meal.  It's delicious, healthy, and doesn't take long to prepare, best part, you wont leave the table feeling stuffed. The chickpeas are canned but they are treated so simply with just a few ingredients. The flavor has been enhanced by the addition of olive [...]

Spiced Garlic Dijon Rack of Lamb and Chick Pea Salad2020-10-12T19:37:23-04:00

Baileys Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu

Yes, I jumped on the PSL bandwagon and really, who hasn't. Imitation is the sincerest form flattery isn't it! So I thought about this PSL craze that happens every year and how could I do one better. Inspired by a recipe from one of the Dieticians at the PC Cooking School, I did come up [...]

Baileys Pumpkin Spice Latte Tiramisu2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Oyster & Shrimp Stuffed Squid with Triangoli Pasta

I love the weekends (okay who doesn't?!), but it's not just the idea of having a few days off.  Saturday's give me the opportunity to take a leisurely stroll through my favorite grocery stores (yes I do more than one).  The kids are grown up and gone away, I'm out of my wife's hair for a few hours, [...]

Oyster & Shrimp Stuffed Squid with Triangoli Pasta2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Garlic Sauteed Mushroms

I always have mushrooms in my grocery cart, my family loves mushrooms sautéed until all the water is dried out, then seared a bit. Of course I flavor the sauté with good olive oil, butter, lots of garlic, chili flakes, salt and pepper. If I have some red or white wine left over (not usually) [...]

Garlic Sauteed Mushroms2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Raspberry Filled Spiced Banana Bread

We've all had or have them sitting on the counter at some point in time.  Probably ignored them while someone else threw them away as they turned black, softened beyond belief and became a nesting ground for fruit flies.  Yes, I'm talking about the noble banana.  Here's a tip I learned from my interactions with the different Chef's [...]

Raspberry Filled Spiced Banana Bread2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Cauliflower & Potatoes – Bombay Style

I got a new cookbook, two actually (from friends of ours from Delhi).  This recipe comes from one of the books called "Anjum's Indian Vegetarian Feast" and featured a recipe called Best ever Bombay Potatoes and it came with a variation (and you know how much I love to vary recipes) which included cauliflower.  Truth [...]

Cauliflower & Potatoes – Bombay Style2020-10-12T19:37:24-04:00

Romaine Lettuce, Beef, Mushrooms, Yoghurt and Sriracha Peanuts

Here's a great easy to make recipe that can be made fresh or from a leftover roast you may have - chicken, beef, pork etc. This particular one is made from fresh finely sliced beef and chopped mushrooms. Again, I vary this recipe greatly depending on what mood I'm in or what inspires me in the [...]

Romaine Lettuce, Beef, Mushrooms, Yoghurt and Sriracha Peanuts2020-10-12T19:37:25-04:00

Peach, Tomato and Bocconcini Bruschetta with Balsamic Glaze

Summer is not over yet!  I love when I'm told to make anything I like. Here is a recipe for a bruschetta variation using what's in season. I wanted a combination of sweet and tangy and peaches seemed so appropriate for this bruschetta. So simple to make and I know it was liked as it [...]

Peach, Tomato and Bocconcini Bruschetta with Balsamic Glaze2020-10-12T19:37:25-04:00

Cold Pineapple Mango Soup

This is a great cold soup to make for your next party. Best part is you can use seasonal fruit - like those unctuous peaches or luscious plums (yes even real men have an inner Nigella :) )and nectarines you are seeing in the markets and stores these days. You can also add some white [...]

Cold Pineapple Mango Soup2020-10-12T19:37:25-04:00

5 Tips for Eating Well While at School!

Well it’s the last few days before school starts, but not the end of summer. It will never get easy to see your kids going away to school, no matter what age. So, if you are going away to school or the parent of someone going away to school, read on. For many parents this [...]

5 Tips for Eating Well While at School!2020-10-12T19:37:25-04:00
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