I’ve been collecting recipes for many years now. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye. Although you may find it in one category, it could easily fit into another i.e. an appetizer could also be found in a main etc. Some have been tried, my comments usually show up in italics if I have made them. I’ve given credit to Chef’s/authors/publishers whose names I wrote down when recording the recipes, but go figure – in at the tail end of the boomer generation and blogs didn’t exist when I started collecting them and I never thought of a website either. If I’ve violated any copyrights – just let me know and I’ll fix it. If you try a recipe and have comments, please let me know, I’ll respond. As always – enjoy! Thanks – Chris (cater@foodinspires.com)

Peach, Tomato and Caper Salsa

Yes that's right - Peach, Tomato and Caper salsa. This is a really great tasting salsa with a great combination of flavors. Peaches are every where and they are one of my favorite fruits so I'm always looking for new ways to serve them and to combine different flavors with it. I served this with salmon [...]

Peach, Tomato and Caper Salsa2020-10-12T19:37:48-04:00

Salmon with Parsley Lemon Topping

Here’s an easy fish recipe with three components – topping, the fish itself and crackling made from the skin. I used a salmon filet (or fillet) but you could really use any type of fish and either pieces or whole fish. What makes this dish is the really simple parsley topping and the salted crackling. [...]

Salmon with Parsley Lemon Topping2020-10-12T19:37:48-04:00

Bellini Kitchen Master

There is a product out on the market called the Bellini Kitchen Master (BKM).  Now while I'm not into having the latest in equipment for the sake of having it, this piece of equipment looked interesting enough that it would warrant a second look and maybe after reading great reviews, a purchase.  That’s the topic of [...]

Bellini Kitchen Master2020-10-12T19:37:48-04:00

Back to School Lunch ideas!

Okay, so mine are grown up and even though I do prepare the odd work lunch for them (when they are home), there isn't a pressing need for me to ensure they eat everything.  They are grown ups and I've done my part, now it's up to them!  So, for those of you with little [...]

Back to School Lunch ideas!2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00

Update Sep 23, 2013 – Loblaw – PC Cooking School – What’s for Dinner Classes – September Schedule

Oh my goodness... where is the summer going?!  Thanks to the good folks at Loblaw PC Cooking Schools, I had a busy August - thanks to those who came out when I was in their neighborhood.  As of today, these are the dates and locations I will be teaching at in September.  Don't forget to check this posting [...]

Update Sep 23, 2013 – Loblaw – PC Cooking School – What’s for Dinner Classes – September Schedule2013-09-24T09:54:47-04:00

Chewy Molasses Cookies

Recently, my morning routine has evolved into stopping off at the local coffee shop to pick up my coffee before going to see my dad. I normally don't have cravings for sweet things - no it's true, for me if you are going to have a treat, make it spicy. But this morning I couldn't help [...]

Chewy Molasses Cookies2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00

Contest Winner – Put Pork on Your Fork!

Guess what?  I won a contest for the Asian Pork Belly hors d 'oeuvres which has become a signature offering for receptions and parties done by Food Inspires.  So, I'm now going to share this easy to make and great tasting recipe with you.  It's pictured on my site with a mandarin segment and nestled [...]

Contest Winner – Put Pork on Your Fork!2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00

Lemon Egg Yolk Cookies

Many recipes call for the use of just the yolks or whites of an egg. With good reason, they are tried and true classics that yield great results. Many people I speak with shy away from these recipes as they don't know what to do with the other part of the egg. Well here's a [...]

Lemon Egg Yolk Cookies2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00

Aug 17 2013 – UPDATE – Loblaw, PC Cooking School – What’s for Dinner Classes, August Schedule

Two more locations - In May this year, I started doing demo/instruction at the PC Cooking Schools at Loblaw locations throughout the GTA.  Many of you have requested that I inform you of when I might be in your neighborhood so I'm posting this schedule for the month of August.  The program is free to attend in that you [...]

Aug 17 2013 – UPDATE – Loblaw, PC Cooking School – What’s for Dinner Classes, August Schedule2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00

The Parra Social

A very good customer had purchased a "Dinner for 4" package as the First Prize for a raffle item from me (Food Inspires).  It was for an event called the Parra Social an annual event attended by current and past generations of people from Parra.  Parra is a village in Northern Goa.  It is one [...]

The Parra Social2020-10-12T19:37:49-04:00
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