I’ve been collecting recipes for many years now. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye. Although you may find it in one category, it could easily fit into another i.e. an appetizer could also be found in a main etc. Some have been tried, my comments usually show up in italics if I have made them. I’ve given credit to Chef’s/authors/publishers whose names I wrote down when recording the recipes, but go figure – in at the tail end of the boomer generation and blogs didn’t exist when I started collecting them and I never thought of a website either. If I’ve violated any copyrights – just let me know and I’ll fix it. If you try a recipe and have comments, please let me know, I’ll respond. As always – enjoy! Thanks – Chris (cater@foodinspires.com)
Family Recipe – Crème Caramel
The wonderful thing about cleaning up is you find all kinds of things treasures you never knew you had or (in my case – ahem, my wife calls it junk), that you never thought you had. Well we found this treasure of a recipe which was from my mother-in-law who was a wonderful baker. This [...]