If you have ever attended any of my classes, you have heard me make the disclaimer that “I don’t follow recipes, even if they are my own”. There are exceptions, classics like Julia Child’s Provencal Gratin or a cookie recipe from Dorie Greenspan – I mean really, these are classics and need no tweaking to suit my taste. They provide a perfect combination of flavors in the perfect quantities to support the overall taste of the dish. But I will also quite often take the liberty of borrowing different ideas or tastes and putting them together. This is my recipe for crispy Sweetly Spiced Cauliflower.

Okay, I know, you are tired of cauliflower. But it’s not the vegetable I want you to taste. It’s the overall taste you get from combining something spicy with something sweet. Revolutionary – I know, never been done before (:))! Cauliflower is just the base, but most any other vegetable – sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, parsnips etc would work just as well. I’m using a hot curry powder (I like the Bolsts brand, they make a great Indian curry powder, Dion brand is also really good) with a magnificent aroma and taste.  To complement the spice (heat) – maple syrup. You do want a strong curry powder in my opinion, but use whatever level of heat you can tolerate. I won’t be there to hold your hand while you eat something hot and spicy, I may eat it with you, but – physical distancing.

This is a simple recipe involving breaking up cauliflower into florets and rubbing them in an olive oil mix and cooking in a hot pan.  You could also roast this at 400f for 30 minutes adding in the last few veggies that need less cooking time towards the end.  Who said healthy eating had to taste bad?! This is healthy eating. I’ve also included some suggestions for substitutions or additions to this recipe. What I made included both types of peppers, sliced almonds and celery (really an afterthought) so I have not included them in the recipe. I wanted to provide a simple base recipe from which you could add anything else you might have in the fridge/pantry.

Substitutions and/or additions:
Sweet potato, any type of squash, parsnips etc.
Shishito Peppers – just cut off the ends so they don’t explode
Any type of pepper – cut into strips
Celery – cut into pieces
Onion – thinly sliced and tossed in at the last minute

Eat vegetarian tonight – Meatless what day is it again?! As always – enjoy!

1 large cauliflower, cut into bite sized florets
2 tbsp olive oil plus 2 tbsp oil for frying
1 tsp sea salt
1 tbsp curry powder, mild or hot
2 – 3 tsp maple syrup

Combine the olive oil, maple syrup, salt and curry powder in a microwave safe bowl
Heat the mixture in 20 second intervals – 2 to 3 times – stir after each 20 second interval – let cool slightly
Pour over the florets and rub well – let rest for about 30 minutes, longer is better
When ready to cook, set a large skillet on high heat, add the oil
When hot, add the cauliflower in a single layer – reduce the heat to medium high
Sear the cauliflower turning as required – check the pieces, you want a nice caramelized color
Cook for another 5 minutes until cauliflower is almost cooked, at this stage, if you are adding any other vegetable – peppers, celery etc – add this and cook another 5 – 10 minutes- raise the heat back to high if needed
Once the added veggies have cooked, remove the pan from the heat
Add the maple syrup and stir gently – taste, season – salt, pepper, curry powder etc., and taste again
Serve with meat, fish, pasta or flatbreads or just on it’s own!!
Pictured below – cauliflower, shisito peppers, red peppers, jalapenos, celery and sliced almonds!