I’ve been collecting recipes for many years now. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye. Although you may find it in one category, it could easily fit into another i.e. an appetizer could also be found in a main etc. Some have been tried, my comments usually show up in italics if I have made them. I’ve given credit to Chef’s/authors/publishers whose names I wrote down when recording the recipes, but go figure – in at the tail end of the boomer generation and blogs didn’t exist when I started collecting them and I never thought of a website either. If I’ve violated any copyrights – just let me know and I’ll fix it. If you try a recipe and have comments, please let me know, I’ll respond. As always – enjoy! Thanks – Chris (cater@foodinspires.com)

Pantry Staples – Sweetly Spiced Cauliflower – Vegetarian

If you have ever attended any of my classes, you have heard me make the disclaimer that "I don't follow recipes, even if they are my own". There are exceptions, classics like Julia Child’s Provencal Gratin or a cookie recipe from Dorie Greenspan – I mean really, these are classics and need no tweaking to [...]

Pantry Staples – Sweetly Spiced Cauliflower – Vegetarian2020-10-12T19:36:12-04:00

Pantry Staples – What’s in your Pantry?!

I quite often get asked "What's in my pantry?" That’s a tough question for me to answer in a short blog. Main reason is because I’m in the food business, but even before this, I was always a foodie.  If I saw something unusual in the grocery store that I had not seen/tried before, I [...]

Pantry Staples – What’s in your Pantry?!2020-10-12T19:36:12-04:00

Levain-esque Chocolate Walnut Cookies

I first heard about this cookie from my daughter who has learned wisely about cookies from her mother. She visits New York quite often and this is a staple part of her diet – which worries the heck out of us, whenever she is there. This is – make no mistake about it, a rich [...]

Levain-esque Chocolate Walnut Cookies2020-10-12T19:36:12-04:00

Pantry Staples – Korean Style Chicken on Cloud (no flour) Bread

This is another one of my favorite chicken dishes. Again using boneless, skinless chicken thighs, but feel free to use whatever cut you like and you can also do bone-in, but do make it skinless. It is a dish whose origins come from a cooking class my mother-in-law attended when in Uganda almost 50 years [...]

Pantry Staples – Korean Style Chicken on Cloud (no flour) Bread2020-10-12T19:36:12-04:00

Easter Buns

Well, Easter is a couple of days away. I know, it will be a different one this year. If you have your adult kids still living at home with you – that’s a good thing (did I really say that?!). They will be able to join in the celebration. I’ve heard some are going to [...]

Easter Buns2020-10-12T19:36:12-04:00

Pantry Staples – Leek and Bacon Quiche

When you go shopping next, pick up some leeks and then try this recipe, the video is posted on my Instagram account (IGTV – foodinspires, look for the chili pepper logo). My wife loves leeks, so whenever I see a healthy looking bunch of leeks, I will pick some up for a meal. Leeks are [...]

Pantry Staples – Leek and Bacon Quiche2020-10-12T19:36:13-04:00

Pantry Staples – Lemon Loaf

So here we are in week three/four of this #stayathome order and I am all in favor of it! The faster we can get rid of this virus, the faster we can get back to a new sense of normalcy. But a better one where we are nicer to those people in essential services that [...]

Pantry Staples – Lemon Loaf2020-10-12T19:36:13-04:00

Pantry Staples – Sunshine Veggies

A really quick and easy recipe, with loads of suggestions for additions and substitutions as well. Again use up what is in your pantry or fridge. Today I'm using sweet potato, yellow and orange peppers, onions, garlic, jalapenos, fresh basil and thyme.  Below are some substitution/addition suggestions if you need them.  I made this to [...]

Pantry Staples – Sunshine Veggies2020-10-12T19:36:13-04:00

Pantry Staples – Curried Salmon Cakes

Pantry staples typically (in my house) include tins of salmon or tuna. These tins seem to last forever and typically move with you from home to home. They have unusually long expiry dates – hence the movement with you. I decided to use up some tins of salmon with a 2021 expiry date on them.  [...]

Pantry Staples – Curried Salmon Cakes2020-10-12T19:36:13-04:00

Beef Chili Fry

Have you indulged or out of desperation bought one of those rotisserie chickens from the grocery stores – oh my goodness so tasty (what?! I happen to like that salty crispy skin). We don’t do it often and no I didn’t do it now. But I think every once in a while, you need an [...]

Beef Chili Fry2020-10-12T19:36:14-04:00
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